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The nutritious gift of the land

Agrino Legumes Rebranding




Visual Identity

Packaging Design

With a history spanning from 1955, Agrino has become a beloved Greek brand in rice and legumes, known for the high quality of its products and its support to Greek agriculture.

As part of its continuous strategy to stay relevant, the brand renewed the legumes packaging to promote their functional and emotional value: nutritional, healthy, locally produced products.

But the ultimate goal of the re-packaging was to build a lasting relationship with consumers.

In the new packaging line we designed, we increased the transparency to proudly display the legumes and we wrapped it with brown paper for that farmer’s market vibe. For products harvested from the Greek land, one can view the producer’s name and area of origin. Design details such as the leaf and the string, the earthy colors and the casual typography, add a natural and effortless feel.

To shift the popular perception about legumes and help Agrino enter younger kitchens, we added a movement-like catchphrase with a call to action: 'We eat legumes' is the core Agrino legumes message. Along with the back of the packaging, which was designed to encourage reading through to find recipes and tips, it builds the brand's narrative for a motivational, post-functional era of legume consuming and healthy eating habits.


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